12 Oktober, 2008


Berhasil menempatkan pengasuh di panti jompo di Singapura dan Taiwan

Taiwan was the first breakthrough for PDS nurses/caregivers placement program. Since 2005 up to now, PDS has successfully placed thousands of female and male nurses with the current average of 50 placements per month. Most of PDS nurses work in nursing homes with a small number going into hospitals and clinics.

PDS nursing instructors and trainers were given nursing education in Taiwan. These instructors learned the necessary skills, practices, and medical terminology used by health practitioners in Taiwan and brought them back to our training center; accordingly, we are able to educate and train our nurses following the needs of our clients in Taiwan.

In the past 10 years, we have placed our nurses in close to 100 institutions (nursing homes, clinics, and hospitals) in Taiwan.

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